Bible Study Methods - DVD
by Robert Morris M.Div.
Over eight hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2010. All believers take much of the Bible quite literally. But when the Bible speaks of Israel and speaks of prophecy, many Bible believers begin to resort to an allegorical interpretation leaving Israel out of the picture except for the curses. This course will show how principles of biblical interpretation must be applied consistently to all parts of the Bible thus promoting a special role for Israel.
Print the course notes, and follow along with Robert as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: Over 8 hours, on 5 DVDs.

Exploring the Jewish Heart of The Feasts of Israel
by Steven Charles Ger, Th.M.
Over six hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live at our global headquarters in 2009. God commanded Israel to observe seven annual feasts. These prescribed festival times highlighted the Lord's love for His Chosen People and painted a prophetic picture of things to come in the future. You will be amazed by the way Yhua's life, death and resurrection were foreshadowed by the springtime feasts. The fall feasts help us to understand what will occur at Messiah's second coming. Your understanding of the Jewish cycle of feasts will greatly enhance your ability to show both your connection and your concern for the lost among the House of Israel.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Steven as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: Over 06 hours, on 4 DVDs.

God's Will, Man's Will - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
The age-old antinomy still rages today. If people are really able to make moral, meaningful decisions, then somehow they must be able to act against God's will. But if people can act against God's will, then how can God be said to be sovereign? In other words, how can we be both free and predestined at the same time? Dr. Fruchtenbaum offers a balanced and biblical plea in this engaging study that examines the issues of God's sovereignty in relation to human responsibility.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: 5.28 hours on 3 DVDs.

History of Zionism & The State of Israel - DVD
by Messianic Rabbi, Mottel Baleston
Over eight hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2010. This is one of the four historic courses taught at the Shoshanah School to show how God has preserved the Jewish people and in spite of the Holocaust, Israel came into being within three years following the fall of Nazi Germany. This course will also note how the modern state is fulfillment of Bible prophecy in the Word of God.
Print the course outline and follow along with Mottel as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: 8.5 hours, on 5 DVDs (includes bonus CD containing PowerPoint slides).

Introduction to Judaism - DVD
by Messianic Rabbi, Mottel Baleston
Over nine hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2008. This course provides a very informative overview of modern Rabbinical Judaism, its practices, beliefs, culture and divisions as well as differences with biblical and Messianic Judaism.
Print the course outline and follow along with Mottel as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: 9.1 hours, on 6 DVDs.

Issues in Messianic Jewish Theology - DVD
by Messianic Rabbi, Mottel Baleston
Over five hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2008. The Messianic Movement has been used of God to introduce thousands of Jewish people to Messiah as well as to familiarize other believers with the Hebraic roots of the faith. At the same time, confusion abounds over Mosaic Law, Rabbinic practice, and relationship with the larger body of Messiah. Mottel profiles the issues and provides a biblical balance.
Print the course outline and follow along with Mottel as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: Over 5 hours, on 3 DVDs.

Jewish History - DVD
by Messianic Rabbi, Mottel Baleston
Over twelve hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2009. This course provides a survey that begins with a look at Abraham's world in which many gods were worshipped. From Ur on the Persian Gulf, Abraham and his family left their comfortable home in search of the land God promised to give to his descendants. This study traces the history of the Jewish people through the nations of the world and reveals God's plan for Jew and Gentile alike.
Print the course outline and follow along with Mottel as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: 12.7 hours, on 8 DVDs.

Messiah in the Fall Holy Days of Israel - DVD
by Messianic Rabbi, Mottel Baleston
Over seven hours of solid Biblical teaching and concluding Q&A session, recorded live at our global headquarters in 2014.
Did God create a Calendar? Y, and it’s found in the 23rd chapter of Leviticus! God gave those Feast Days to Israel so that they might be reminded of His help for them. Each of the Fall Holy Days of Rosh HaShanah (The Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) and Chag Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles) point very specifically to aspects in what God has promised all believers through the person of Messiah Jesus.
The Rapture, the Salvation of Israel during the Tribulation, and the Kingdom Reign of Messiah Jesus on earth are all seen very specifically in these Holy Days that occur during September and October. Mottel charts out the entire Biblical calendar by means of a handout and PowerPoint presentation, and then focuses on the three Fall Feasts of Israel.
Actual items used in the Jewish High Holy Day services are demonstrated. The ‘Shofar’ (Ram’s Horn) is sounded, the Tallit (Jewish Prayer Garment) as worn by Messiah is displayed, a Torah Scroll is shown, and Mottel explains how all this points to the grace we have received through the finished work of Jesus the Messiah.
Print the course outline and handouts, and follow along with Mottel as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: 7.8 hours, on 5 DVDs (includes bonus CD containing handouts and PowerPoint slides).

Messianic Jewish History - DVD
by Messianic Rabbi, Mottel Baleston
This important series addresses the history of Messianic Jews from the first to the twenty first century. Mottel clears up many misconceptions about our history and teaches what the modern Messianic Jewish movement can learn from history.
Print the course outline and follow along with Mottel as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: 4.5 hours, on 3 DVDs.

Methodical Bible Study Interpreting the Bible) - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Over three and one half hours of solid Biblical teaching. This Discipleship Training Seminar was recorded live at our global headquarters in 2009. There is only one correct interpretation of the any passage in the Bible. As such, it is up to us to study the Bible in a manner that reveals that single correct interpretation. Having a the proper systematic approach to studying the Scriptures insures the believer that they understand what God says in the Word and that they apply it properly to their lives where applicable. Dr. Fruchtenbaum introduces the system that has led to over 30 years of productive ministry to the Church. The tools you will be given will help you mine the Bible for the deep truths that nourish your heart and mind while empowering you for the ministry God has planned for your life... "to make disciples."
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: 3.7 hours, on 3 DVDs.

The Biblical View of Death - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2011. A detailed study covering the three different types of death in the scriptures: physical death, spiritual death, and eternal death. Professionally edited and divided into chapters corresponding to the teaching outline. Pop the DVD into your player and attend class when it's convenient for you! Move forward or backward through chapters to review lesson segments at anytime.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: 1:53 hours, on 2 DVDs.

The Eight Covenants of the Bible - DVD
by Messianic Rabbi, Mottel Baleston
Over six hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live at our global headquarters in 2008. God did not choose to give the world His entire written Word at one time. Rather, the writing of the Scriptures occurred over a period of sixteen hundred years. Step by step, the plans and purposes of God were unfolded at specific points in history. Each step of His plan was absolutely flawless. But a comprehensive understanding was not possible for mankind until the entire canon of the Scriptures was finished in John's Revelation.
Nw, man has a complete revelation of what God wants man to know about His character and His plans. It is impossible to make sense of the Bible without a foundation built upon a consistent literal interpretation of the Scriptures. This literal approach forces us to come to grips with God's three covenantal agreements with mankind as a whole and five covenants specifically with the people of Israel.
Print the exegetical outline and corresponding chart and follow along with Mottel as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: Over 06 hours, on 4 DVDs.