Thought Tracts

The following teachings by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum are evangelistic in nature. Scripturally powerful and concisely thought-provoking. We provide them here free of charge in the hope you will print and hand them out to every inquisitive unbeliever the Lord places in your sphere of influence. We believe the intellectually honest seeker will be moved to make a decision for Messiah Yeshua when confronted with the exacting truth of God's prophetic word. We sincerely thank you for your efforts in fulfilling the great commission.

Does God Have A Son?

Two passages make the point that the Messiah is also, in some way, the Son of God. The first is Psalm 2 which deals primarily with the Kingship of the Messiah, but also brings out the Messiah's Sonship with God. Concerning this Psalm, Rashi admits, “Our rabbis expound it as relating to King Messiah." Although the majority of rabbis in earlier years also explained this Psalm as referring to King Messiah, many rabbis today would refer it to David rather than the Messiah. But the words of the Psalm and a comparison of history would exclude David as a possibility altogether... more, please print and share.

Messiah The Final Sacrifice

Since the whole concept of a dying Messiah is so foreign to modern Judaism, although it was once part of Judaism, there is a question that must be answered: Why did the Messiah have to die? In the course of answering this question, a second one arises: What is the means of redemption? If there is one theme that seems to go throughout the entire Scriptures, it is the theme of redemption by blood... more, please print and share.

The God-Man Concept in the Old Testament

An aspect of the Kingship of the Messiah is the strange God-Man Concept concerning the Messiah. Some passages which deal with the Kingship of the Messiah add a whole new dimension to the Person of the Messiah, making Him a man — and yet more than a man... more, please print and share.

The Sign of the Virgin

Isaiah 7:13-14 is a prophecy concerning the virgin conception and the birth of the Messiah. This is perhaps the most controversial of the messianic prophecies and therefore requires a closer textual analysis than others. The exact meaning of this passage is disputed by rabbis, liberal theologians and even by some evangelical theologians. The passage talks of “a sign: The virgin will be with child…” There are two areas of controversy here... more, please print and share.

The Trial of the Centuries

Throughout history there have been many trials which have earned the title “The Trial of the Century.” The Trial of Socrates and the Scopes Trial are prime examples. But there is one particular trial that was more than just The Trial of the Century; it is “The Most Famous Trial in All History.” This trial revealed man's viewpoint of the Son of God. The destiny of all men who have ever lived or will live is inseparably linked to its outcome. It is the trial of Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah... more, please print and share.

Zionism: What It Is and What It Is Not

The word “Zionism” is very common today thanks to the United Nations' condemnation of it during their General Assembly debate on November 10, 1975. Because of this, there is much confusion among believers as to the nature of Zionism and whether or not they should support it or stand against it. We, at Ariel Ministries, get many letters asking us to explain what Zionism is... more, please print and share.

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