Adonai Keeps His Promise: The King Is Born
by Wendy Cohen
This illustrated children’s book tells in a simple child-like way the story of how Yeshua came into the lives of Yosef and Miriam. Yet this simple story goes much beyond the lives of his earthly parents. Adonai had revealed His coming to patriarchs, prophets, priests and kings long before He arrived. They all awaited “the One” who would someday bring peace to the world, and now He had finally come. This book tells how in every aspect of Yeshua’s coming, Adonai kept His promises.
- Hardcover: 47 pages
- ISBN: 978-0-9841826-0-2
- Dimensions: 11.4 x 8.5 x 1/4 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.00 lbs

Ariel's Trials and Triumphs
The Unparalleled Faith Journey of Ariel Ministries
by L. Jesse Grace
Ariel's Trials and Triumphs may be understood as a sequel to Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum's biography, titled Chosen Fruit. While the latter predominantly depicted the personal life story of Dr. Fruchtenbaum, the purpose of this account is to present the inside story of Ariel Ministries itself. Founded in 1977, the ministry has had to exercise unparalleled faith and rely solely upon God for its support, from its inception. Throughout the years as a Jewish ministry, Ariel has experienced a series of trials and tribulations. By the same token, it has also seen its share of exciting triumphs and wonderful spiritual blessings. From the seed of one man's obedience, God shaped the growth of the ministry into a vast network of both Messianic and Gentile believers, with many international branches. The stories of how some of the branches got started truly reveal the power of God at work. Hence, this account attempts to chronicle the major achievements, progress, and events that took place within Ariel Ministries, bringing to the fore its exceptional faith journey since the beginning and God's enduring faithfulness to His flock.
- Paperback 382 pages
- Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-88-2

Basic Theology:
A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth
by Dr. Charles C. Ryrie
Within these pages, you'll find:
- A basic handbook of theology written in plain English for every Christian
- A systematic overview of the Bible's major doctrines, including God, the Bible, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, the church, Satan, sin, salvation, man, angels, demons, events to come, and more
- A glossary of theological terms
- A list of key Scripture passages for the study of theology
Reading this book will help you begin to think about how God wants to conform you to the image of Christ. Designed with personal application in mind, Basic Theology will provide you with sound theology, which in turn produces holy living.
- Hardcover: 655 pages
- ISBN: 0802427340
- Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.3 x 1.6 inches
- Shipping Weight: 2.29 lbs

Biography of Ruth with the Truth Wardell
by Ruth Wardell and Jeffrey Gutterman
Picture a beautiful patchwork quilt put together by good friends and you will understand and welcome this intimate portrait of Ruth Wardell, a passionate believer and friend of the Jewish people. Ruth tells her story with the help of author Jeffrey Gutterman and photos contributed for the special occasion of celebrating Ruth's life. Following Ruth's life story is to follow developments in the Messianic Jewish community that emerged during her lifetime from just a few congregations to a worldwide phenomenon. She is credited with leading Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum to faith in his Messiah, leading to the founding of Ariel Ministries and an international Bible teaching ministry and outreach to Jewish people.
Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum — Director of Ariel Ministries
“Ruth Wardell first came knocking on my family's door in 1957 when I was living on Blake Avenue in the Van Siclen section of Brooklyn, New York. She came in with a card in her hand that had been filled out about six years earlier. Miss Wardell's organization was a Jewish Christian group. In my mind, one was either a Jew or a Christian. How could one be both? I concluded that any Jew that believed in Christ had to be suffering from schizophrenia. Since I was having trouble resolving this contradiction I became angry.” Arnold was determined to prove her wrong about Jesus being the Jewish Messiah...
Dr. Michael Rydelnik — Moody Bible Institute, Professor of Jewish Studies
“Ruth was always taking us on trips. We would go canoeing in New Jersey. Ruth would load up two vans with kids and head out. She would drive the van down the highway with her knees while her hands were in the air as she led the group in a song. We didn't need the radio. We would just sing songs about Jesus. My earliest memories of Ruth were of a person who was bold, yet tolerant and understanding.”
Dr. Daniel Goldberg — International Ministries Representative for Chosen People Ministries
“Of all of the missionaries under my supervision in the California area of the Western District, Ruth excelled as a self-starter and exhibited great ability as a leader in winning many followers. She truly utilized her God-given talents as an excellent Bible teacher and friend to the friendless.”
Dr. Mitch Glaser—President of Chosen People Ministries
“I knew Ruth as a person who always rose above it all. She never had a bad word about anybody. She was always positive and encouraging. Ruth was an example during those years of someone who was faithful and someone whom I admired greatly.”
Dr. Paul Lee Tan — Paul Tan Prophetic Ministries, Inc. (PTPM)
“We feel that God has brought Ruth to our lives for a purpose. That purpose is to encourage me and my family in Christian service and to continue helping in the Chinese work in Dallas, as God enables. 'Ruth with the Truth' will always be a part of our family's spiritual heritage. We all thank God for raising up such an effective and humble servant of His in these Last Days.”
Moishe Rosen — Founder of Jews For Jesus
“I met Ruth Wardell in 1954 when she was with American Board of Missions to the Jews. Many teens she worked with looked to her for leadership well into their adult lives. I remember Ruth always set a good example.”
- Paperback: 194 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-08-0
- Shipping Weight: 2.0 lbs

Chosen Fruit
The Personal Life Story of Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Founder and President of Ariel Ministries
by L. Jesse Grace
Known for his foremost scholarship and his in-depth knowledge of the biblical history and geography of Israel, Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum has become one of the finest Bible exegetes of our time. The purpose of this biography is to present an intimate portrait of this scholar and teacher. His story will lead you through some of the most dramatic points of world history and take you on a journey around the globe. It is the story of a Jewish man who came to faith in his Jewish Messiah, embarked on a unique journey of servitude to his God, and impacted not only theologians, scholars, and church leaders, but everyday believers alike. Their progress to maturity, as well as the outreach to his Jewish people, is what has kept Dr. Fruchtenbaum going for nearly five decades of ministry—to God’s glory and for the salvation of Israel.
“The teaching ministry of Dr. Fruchtenbaum has impacted me for over 30 years. When I left my training at Dallas Theological Seminary and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in the early 1980s, I was confused as to how to put together the academic and cultural information I had received from these two different perspectives… When I discovered Dr. Fruchtenbaum’s teaching, I found what I needed‚Äîsomeone whose academic training was similar to mine, had processed the biblical, Jewish, and Christian data, and had successfully navigated the conflicting theological perspectives within the messianic movement while maintaining a sound biblical Christology, dispensational hermeneutic, and a balanced view of Messianic Judaism and the local church…” — Dr. Randall Price (Distinguished Research Professor and Executive Director of the Center for Judaic Studies at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia)
- Hardcover with dust jacket: 422 pages
- Plus, 24 pages of B&W photos
- Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-49-3

Discovering The Mystery of The Unity of God
by John B. Metzger
Discovering the Mystery of the Unity of God provides an eye-opening exploration of the triune nature of God from the pages of the Old and New Covenants. The approach is reverent, yet encyclopedic, with each of the 19 chapters and 8 appendices being a self-contained look at various facets of the plural unity of God. The fully annotated text also includes a bibliography, author and Scripture indices, an epilogue addressing Jewish issues, and a glossary of terms. The reader may be surprised to discover that the great preponderance of references to God's triunity occur in the Old Covenant Scriptures. The author, John B. Metzger, considers each reference diligently, and brings along the commentary of a host of solid Bible teachers, including those from the Messianic Jewish perspective, to give the reader access to rich food for thought. This 936-page, unparalleled resource is the work of seven years, with references to Scriptures from almost every book in the Bible. Serious theology students, seminaries, and church libraries will benefit from this engaging tour of God's Word in search of new understanding of God's nature from the richness of the Bible's Jewish perspective.
“I was delighted and fascinated with what I found in this book. [John Metzger] has produced a very careful, exegetical study of not only the names of God, plural descriptions of God, but also he has given a strong case for the tri-unity of God in the Old Testament. Pastors and laypersons will find enormous help in discussions such as the angel of the Lord, the meaning of the great Shema in Deuteronomy 6:4, with a great discussion of the precise meaning of the phrase “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one.” This is a much-needed tool to correct and inform the dialogue between Christians and Jewish people as well as for Christians to understand better their own doctrine of the Trinity. This work should bring great blessing to the body of Christ everywhere.” — Walter Kaiser, President Emeritus, Gordon Comwell Theological Seminary
“Finally, a useful book on the Triune nature of God! For years both in sharing the Good News of Messiah and in planting messianic congregations, we've lacked a suitable book for teaching on this profound and essential doctrine of the faith. In both communicating to the non-believing Jewish community or in messianic discipleship there has been an evident and great need that is met by John Metzger's book.” — Sam Nadler, Leader of Hope of Israel Congregation, Charlotte, NC
“John Metzger provides not only comprehensive, biblical based theology of Trinitarianism but a magnificent apologetic work on this cardinal doctrine of the Christian Faith. Moreover, the irenic tone in which it is articulated is designed to build bridges of understanding to the adherents of strict monotheism of Judaism by demonstrating that the God... of their fathers is at the same time one God existing in three persons. Metzger's scholarly presentation of the biblical data is flavored by an evangelistic urgency that those who are so close and yet so far from the faith might become believers in the God of their fathers who is the Triune God.” — Eugene H. Merrill, Professor of Old Testament, Dallas and Southern Baptist Theological Seminaries
“The concept of the triune nature of the God of Israel, as taught even by the Hebrew Scriptures, has traditionally been the hardest thing for Jewish people to believe and accept. Often, no matter how well it is explained, Jewish people still tend to conclude that “Christianity” actually teaches the concept of three different gods. Even among some circles of Messianic Jews, this is a difficult teaching to accept and is also denied by some who affirm to believe in the Messiahship of Yhua (Jesus). While the New Testament does present the concept of the Trinity in a clearer manner, yet even many New Testament believers have a difficulty in explaining the concept in a way that does not cross the line from monotheism to tritheism. New Testament believers certainly affirm the concept but have a difficult time explaining it. So how does one explain the inexplicable? This is what John Metzger has zealously endeavored to do in this volume, and he has done a superb job in both expounding what both testaments teach on the subject and explaining it in a way that communicates to the uninitiated. While a complete understanding of the Three in One would not be possible this side of eternity, this work is one of the best I have seen in bringing out the clarity of Scripture on the subject.” — Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Founder and Director, Ariel Ministries
- Hardcover: 936 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-04-2
- Dimensions: 10.25 x 7.25 x 2 inches
- Shipping Weight: 4.35 lbs

Discovering The Mystery of The Unity of God (PDF)
by John B. Metzger
Discovering the Mystery of the Unity of God provides an eye-opening exploration of the triune nature of God from the pages of the Old and New Covenants. The approach is reverent, yet encyclopedic, with each of the 19 chapters and 8 appendices being a self-contained look at various facets of the plural unity of God. The fully annotated text also includes a bibliography, author and Scripture indices, an epilogue addressing Jewish issues, and a glossary of terms. The reader may be surprised to discover that the great preponderance of references to God's triunity occur in the Old Covenant Scriptures. The author, John B. Metzger, considers each reference diligently, and brings along the commentary of a host of solid Bible teachers, including those from the Messianic Jewish perspective, to give the reader access to rich food for thought. This 936-page, unparalleled resource is the work of seven years, with references to Scriptures from almost every book in the Bible. Serious theology students, seminaries, and church libraries will benefit from this engaging tour of God's Word in search of new understanding of God's nature from the richness of the Bible's Jewish perspective.
"I was delighted and fascinated with what I found in this book. [John Metzger] has produced a very careful, exegetical study of not only the names of God, plural descriptions of God, but also he has given a strong case for the tri-unity of God in the Old Testament. Pastors and laypersons will find enormous help in discussions such as the angel of the Lord, the meaning of the great Shema in Deuteronomy 6:4, with a great discussion of the precise meaning of the phrase "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one." This is a much-needed tool to correct and inform the dialogue between Christians and Jewish people as well as for Christians to understand better their own doctrine of the Trinity. This work should bring great blessing to the body of Christ everywhere." — Walter Kaiser
"John Metzger provides not only comprehensive, biblical based theology of Trinitarianism but a magnificent apologetic work on this cardinal doctrine of the Christian Faith. Moreover, the irenic tone in which it is articulated is designed to build bridges of understanding to the adherents of strict monotheism of Judaism by demonstrating that the God…of their fathers is at the same time one God existing in three persons. Metzger's scholarly presentation of the biblical data is flavored by an evangelistic urgency that those who are so close and yet so far from the faith might become believers in the God of their fathers who is the Triune God." — Eugene H. Merrill
"Finally, a useful book on the Triune nature of God! For years both in sharing the Good News of Messiah and in planting messianic congregations, we've lacked a suitable book for teaching on this profound and essential doctrine of the faith. In both communicating to the non-believing Jewish community or in messianic discipleship there has been an evident and great need that is met by John Metzger's book." — Sam Nadler
"The concept of the triune nature of the God of Israel, as taught even by the Hebrew Scriptures, has traditionally been the hardest thing for Jewish people to believe and accept. Often, no matter how well it is explained, Jewish people still tend to conclude that "Christianity" actually teaches the concept of three different gods. Even among some circles of Messianic Jews, this is a difficult teaching to accept and is also denied by some who affirm to believe in the Messiahship of Yhua (Jesus). While the New Testament does present the concept of the Trinity in a clearer manner, yet even many New Testament believers have a difficulty in explaining the concept in a way that does not cross the line from monotheism to tritheism. New Testament believers certainly affirm the concept but have a difficult time explaining it. So how does one explain the inexplicable? This is what John Metzger has zealously endeavored to do in this volume, and he has done a superb job in both expounding what both testaments teach on the subject and explaining it in a way that communicates to the uninitiated. While a complete understanding of the Three in One would not be possible this side of eternity, this work is one of the best I have seen in bringing out the clarity of Scripture on the subject." — Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
- eBOOK PDF via download
- 950 pages
- Approximate download file size is 5.94MB

by Dr. Charles C. Ryrie
Dispensationalism is a framework for understanding the Bible, teaching that God has dealt with man historically in different administrations or “dispensations.” It maintains a radical distinction between Israel and the Church — that there are two peoples of God with two different destinies — and it distinguishes between the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ (that one precedes the other by seven years of tribulation). Taught at Dallas Theological Seminary and Moody Bible Institute among others, dispensationalism still provokes debate within the Christian world.
In this bestseller, highly acclaimed theologian Dr. Charles C. Ryrie makes a complex subject understandable. He confronts the views of covenant theology, historical premillennialism, ultradispensationalism, and, in this new edition, the increasingly popular progressive dispensationalism. This revised and expanded version will prove to be an invaluable reference tool for your library.
- Paperback: 265 pages
- ISBN: 080242189X
- Dimensions: 9.22 x 5.8 x 0.6 inches
- Shipping Weight: 13.0 ounces

Exposition of the Book of Revelation
by D.L. Cooper
"An Exposition of the Book of Revelation" by Dr. David L. Cooper is not just another book of unrelated expository messages. It is a book that presents the continuance of the prophecies of the Old Testament as they culminate in Christ after His ascension to the right hand of the Father, from whence He will return to the earth in person to reign. In his book the author uses both the microscopic and telescopic methods of word studies in his exposition.
- Paperback: 274 pages
- Dimensions: 5" x 7 1/2"

Freedom in Messiah
by Dr. Richard Hill
A Messianic Jewish Roots Commentary on The Book of Galatians
Dr. Hill explores the Jewish Roots of this wonderful book. He examines Jewish history and culture, Hebrew and Greek word studies and the Greek grammar to reveal the truth behind Sha'ul's message. This message is still applicable for today's Christian seeking their Jewish Roots and for those in the Messianic Jewish Movement (MJM). Torah observance has crept into the MJM where many believe that "keeping Torah" for today is required to please God and cause us to grow in our sanctification process. As you will see from Dr. Hill's systematic analysis of key words and verse by verse study, there is nothing further from the truth. The truth of the good news message of Yeshua is that Messiah has set us free! So we should live a life of freedom in the Ruach (Spirit)!
- Paperback: 296 pages
- Dimensions: 6” x 9”
- ISBN: 978-0-9969201-2-4

God in Eclipse
by John B. Metzger
"Did G-d die in the Holocaust with the Jewish people? Since He did not, why is He so silent to His people Israel and why have the Jewish people suffered so much over the centuries? What is the theme of the Scriptures and why did G-d use centuries of time to have His Word written down by Moses and the prophets?
This book is written to you of Jewish birth, but whether you are Jewish or not you will find this book essential to understanding the primary theme that G-d wants mankind to know. He wanted the sons of Abraham to transmit that primary theme to all the nations of the world so all would know the G-d of Israel and believe in Him. Jewish people had a mandate from G-d to be a priestly nation, acting as the mediator between the nations and G-d. Yet, Israel the chosen people, lost sight of the message that was commissioned to them to give to the world. Because Israel did not fulfill its purpose and walked in disobedience to Him, G-d has been eclipsed from His people. In this book you will learn the primary theme of the Scriptures and how you can remove the eclipse that is hiding the face of G-d from you."
- Paperback: 227 pages
- ISBN: 978-0-9765252-6-4
- Dimensions: 8 x 5 inches

God in Eclipse - PDF
by John B. Metzger
"Did G-d die in the Holocaust with the Jewish people? Since He did not, why is He so silent to His people Israel and why have the Jewish people suffered so much over the centuries? What is the theme of the Scriptures and why did G-d use centuries of time to have His Word written down by Moses and the prophets?
This book is written to you of Jewish birth, but whether you are Jewish or not you will find this book essential to understanding the primary theme that G-d wants mankind to know. He wanted the sons of Abraham to transmit that primary theme to all the nations of the world so all would know the G-d of Israel and believe in Him. Jewish people had a mandate from G-d to be a priestly nation, acting as the mediator between the nations and G-d. Yet, Israel the chosen people, lost sight of the message that was commissioned to them to give to the world. Because Israel did not fulfill its purpose and walked in disobedience to Him, G-d has been eclipsed from His people. In this book you will learn the primary theme of the Scriptures and how you can remove the eclipse that is hiding the face of G-d from you."
- PDF via Download
- 227 pages
- Approximate download file size is 1.64 MB