Highlights of The Book of Daniel - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Over six hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2007. A verse by verse study through the Book of Daniel, surveying the history and uncovering the symbolism that is demonstrated in the prophecies and the visions. This study takes a look at the Times of the Gentiles and the future of Israel and of all believers.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he exegetes the Word of God from a proper Messianic Jewish perspective.
Approximate Running Time: Over 6 hours, on 5 DVDs.

Highlights of The Book of Ezekiel - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Over eleven hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2011. Dr. Fruchtenbaum leads you through a fascinating survey of The Book of Ezekiel, summarizing certain parts but detailing others.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he exegetes the Word of God from a proper Messianic Jewish perspective.
Approximate Running Time: Over 11 hours, on 8 DVDs.

Highlights of The Book of Leviticus - DVD
by Steven Charles Ger, Th.M.
Over four hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2008. A survey study through the Book of Leviticus focusing on the significance of the Mosaic sacrifices, the dietary code, the Feasts of Israel, aspects of the Law of Moses, and the prophecies of Israel's future, both fulfilled and unfulfilled.
Print the course outline, and follow along with Steven as he teaches the Word of God.
Print the corresponding charts referenced during the study.
Approximate Running Time: Over 4 hours, on 3 DVDs.

Highlights of The Minor Prophets - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Over twelve hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2008. In chronological order, Dr. Fruchtenbaum will lead you on a revealing survey study through all the Books of the Minor Prophets: Obadiah, Joel, Amos, Jonah, Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. Dr. Fruchtenbaum emphasizes the importance of understanding this material literally rather than allegorically.
Please visit the exegetical outlines page. Print out all 12 outlines for the Minor Prophets, plus the Introduction outline, and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: Over 12 hours, on 9 DVDs.

Messianic Studies in Galatians - DVD
by Messianic Rabbi, Mottel Baleston
Over four and one half hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2005. A verse-by-verse exposition of the Book of Galatians and how it applies to Messianic Jews today.
Print out this Messianic Studies in Galatians Outline and follow along with Mottel as he exegetes the Word of God from a proper Messianic Jewish perspective. This is the exact same handout that Camp Shoshanah students received during class. Mottel also displayed a version of the outline on the overhead projector during class that already had the “answers” filled in so students would not be too pre-occupied with making sure they “got” the “fill in.” Print this file out if you want the answers!
Approximate Running Time: 4 hours, 56 minutes on 3 DVDs.

New Testament Survey - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Over twelve hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2010. In addition to the Gospels, this course will provide an overview of the whole New Covenant fitting in the epistles into the historical Book of Acts. It will show a contrast between epistles written to the Body as a whole and those epistles written specifically for Messianic Jews.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he exegetes the Word of God from a proper Messianic Jewish perspective.
Approximate Running Time: Over 12 hours, on 9 DVDs.

Old Testament Survey - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Over twenty-one hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2010. This course will provide an overview of the whole Hebrew Bible showing how the poetical and prophetic books fit within the historical segments of the Old Testament. It will trace God's special program for the Jewish people both past and future.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he exegetes the Word of God from a proper Messianic Jewish perspective.
Approximate Running Time: Over 21 hours, on 13 DVDs.

The Book of Deuteronomy - DVD
by Pastor Jacques Isaac Gabizon
Over seven hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2009. Deuteronomy means “Second Law.” Following forty years in the wilderness as a consequence of Israel's lack of belief, the children of the exodus generation stood poised to enter the land that would become their home. Before they could cross the Jordan, Moses taught them how to observe the Law first entrusted to their parents at Mount Sinai. This will be the subject of your study.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Jacques as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: 7 hours, on 6 DVDs.

The Book of Ephesians - DVD
by Pastor Jacques Isaac Gabizon
Over four hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2010. This book is important for Messianic Jewish Studies since it shows the uniqueness of Israel, the role of Gentile believers, the contrast between Jews, Gentiles and how all believers become partakers of Jewish spiritual blessings in the Body of the Messiah.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Jacques as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: 4 hours, on 3 DVDs.

The Book of Exodus - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Over ten hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2008. A survey study through the Book of Exodus focusing on the historical background between the God of Israel and the gods of the Egyptians. This course will also include a survey of the different commandments of the Law of Moses.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he exegetes the Word of God from a proper Messianic Jewish perspective.
Approximate Running Time: Over 10 hours, on 7 DVDs.

The Book of Isaiah - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Over eleven hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2009. The Lord asked, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Isaiah's response launched his ministry as God's prophet in the southern kingdom of Judah. Wearing sackcloth and walking barefoot, as a sign to Israel of her coming destruction, Isaiah's work spanned the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. This study will help you understand the historical context of Isaiah's life, and gain insight into the outworking of God's plan for all humanity.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: Over 11 hours, on 7 DVDs.

The Book of Jeremiah - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Over ten hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2010. This course covers the whole book, certain segments in a survey and summary, and other segments in verse by verse detail. There will be a special focus on Messianic Prophecies within this book and how this book militates against different forms of Replacement Theology which is now having a revival in the churches causing a loss of support for Israel today.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: Over 10 hours, on 7 DVDs.