Ariel's Trials and Triumphs
The Unparalleled Faith Journey of Ariel Ministries
by L. Jesse Grace
Ariel's Trials and Triumphs may be understood as a sequel to Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum's biography, titled Chosen Fruit. While the latter predominantly depicted the personal life story of Dr. Fruchtenbaum, the purpose of this account is to present the inside story of Ariel Ministries itself. Founded in 1977, the ministry has had to exercise unparalleled faith and rely solely upon God for its support, from its inception. Throughout the years as a Jewish ministry, Ariel has experienced a series of trials and tribulations. By the same token, it has also seen its share of exciting triumphs and wonderful spiritual blessings. From the seed of one man's obedience, God shaped the growth of the ministry into a vast network of both Messianic and Gentile believers, with many international branches. The stories of how some of the branches got started truly reveal the power of God at work. Hence, this account attempts to chronicle the major achievements, progress, and events that took place within Ariel Ministries, bringing to the fore its exceptional faith journey since the beginning and God's enduring faithfulness to His flock.
- Paperback 382 pages
- Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-88-2

Biography of Ruth with the Truth Wardell
by Ruth Wardell and Jeffrey Gutterman
Picture a beautiful patchwork quilt put together by good friends and you will understand and welcome this intimate portrait of Ruth Wardell, a passionate believer and friend of the Jewish people. Ruth tells her story with the help of author Jeffrey Gutterman and photos contributed for the special occasion of celebrating Ruth's life. Following Ruth's life story is to follow developments in the Messianic Jewish community that emerged during her lifetime from just a few congregations to a worldwide phenomenon. She is credited with leading Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum to faith in his Messiah, leading to the founding of Ariel Ministries and an international Bible teaching ministry and outreach to Jewish people.
Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum — Director of Ariel Ministries
“Ruth Wardell first came knocking on my family's door in 1957 when I was living on Blake Avenue in the Van Siclen section of Brooklyn, New York. She came in with a card in her hand that had been filled out about six years earlier. Miss Wardell's organization was a Jewish Christian group. In my mind, one was either a Jew or a Christian. How could one be both? I concluded that any Jew that believed in Christ had to be suffering from schizophrenia. Since I was having trouble resolving this contradiction I became angry.” Arnold was determined to prove her wrong about Jesus being the Jewish Messiah...
Dr. Michael Rydelnik — Moody Bible Institute, Professor of Jewish Studies
“Ruth was always taking us on trips. We would go canoeing in New Jersey. Ruth would load up two vans with kids and head out. She would drive the van down the highway with her knees while her hands were in the air as she led the group in a song. We didn't need the radio. We would just sing songs about Jesus. My earliest memories of Ruth were of a person who was bold, yet tolerant and understanding.”
Dr. Daniel Goldberg — International Ministries Representative for Chosen People Ministries
“Of all of the missionaries under my supervision in the California area of the Western District, Ruth excelled as a self-starter and exhibited great ability as a leader in winning many followers. She truly utilized her God-given talents as an excellent Bible teacher and friend to the friendless.”
Dr. Mitch Glaser—President of Chosen People Ministries
“I knew Ruth as a person who always rose above it all. She never had a bad word about anybody. She was always positive and encouraging. Ruth was an example during those years of someone who was faithful and someone whom I admired greatly.”
Dr. Paul Lee Tan — Paul Tan Prophetic Ministries, Inc. (PTPM)
“We feel that God has brought Ruth to our lives for a purpose. That purpose is to encourage me and my family in Christian service and to continue helping in the Chinese work in Dallas, as God enables. 'Ruth with the Truth' will always be a part of our family's spiritual heritage. We all thank God for raising up such an effective and humble servant of His in these Last Days.”
Moishe Rosen — Founder of Jews For Jesus
“I met Ruth Wardell in 1954 when she was with American Board of Missions to the Jews. Many teens she worked with looked to her for leadership well into their adult lives. I remember Ruth always set a good example.”
- Paperback: 194 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-08-0
- Shipping Weight: 2.0 lbs

Chosen Fruit
The Personal Life Story of Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Founder and President of Ariel Ministries
by L. Jesse Grace
Known for his foremost scholarship and his in-depth knowledge of the biblical history and geography of Israel, Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum has become one of the finest Bible exegetes of our time. The purpose of this biography is to present an intimate portrait of this scholar and teacher. His story will lead you through some of the most dramatic points of world history and take you on a journey around the globe. It is the story of a Jewish man who came to faith in his Jewish Messiah, embarked on a unique journey of servitude to his God, and impacted not only theologians, scholars, and church leaders, but everyday believers alike. Their progress to maturity, as well as the outreach to his Jewish people, is what has kept Dr. Fruchtenbaum going for nearly five decades of ministry—to God’s glory and for the salvation of Israel.
“The teaching ministry of Dr. Fruchtenbaum has impacted me for over 30 years. When I left my training at Dallas Theological Seminary and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in the early 1980s, I was confused as to how to put together the academic and cultural information I had received from these two different perspectives… When I discovered Dr. Fruchtenbaum’s teaching, I found what I needed‚Äîsomeone whose academic training was similar to mine, had processed the biblical, Jewish, and Christian data, and had successfully navigated the conflicting theological perspectives within the messianic movement while maintaining a sound biblical Christology, dispensational hermeneutic, and a balanced view of Messianic Judaism and the local church…” — Dr. Randall Price (Distinguished Research Professor and Executive Director of the Center for Judaic Studies at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia)
- Hardcover with dust jacket: 422 pages
- Plus, 24 pages of B&W photos
- Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-49-3

Israel Betrayed - Volume 1: The History of Replacement Theology
by: Andrew D. Robinson
Israel Betrayed comprehensively surveys and refutes replacement theology and its modern-day manifestion, Christian Palestinianism. Published by Ariel Ministries in two volumes, this work is a tour de force in defense of God's eternal promises to the Jewish People. In Volume 1, Andrew Robinson breaks new ground as he surveys replacement theology from the post-Apostolic era to the close of the nineteenth century. Written in an engaging style, this volume equips the reader with irrefutable answers to the age-old taunt that God is finished with Israel.
- Hardcover: 320 pages
- 6 x 9
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-76-9
Speaking for the American scene, I have observed the rise in anti-Semitism, sometimes disguised as anti-Zionism; the increase in anti-Semitic websites, which have revived old-world conspiracy theories; the denial of the Holocaust, with some people even finding a way to blame the Jews for the Shoah; and universities all across the United States demonstrating against the State of Israel. There has also been a massive spread of replacement theology (which I call "theological anti-Semitism") in many churches that were once strongly dispensational, and many Bible colleges and seminaries that once were clearly dispensational and pro-Israel have also been infested. For these reasons, I was delighted to read Israel Betrayed and decided that Ariel Ministries should publish this important work.
The first volume written by Andrew D. Robinson deals with the history of replacement theology. For decades, I have strongly felt that the rise of replacement theology—which later led to covenant theology (Calvinistic replacementism) and Lutheranism (Arminian replacementism)—was not derived by an honest exegesis of the biblical text but was built on the foundations of anti-Semitism. I have seen this truth in scattered references but did not have the time to gather all the evidence. I have often encouraged seminary students, who were looking for topics for their dissertations, to pursue it, but none ever did. Pastor Robinson has accomplished this task, and I will be forever grateful for his contribution to the body of the Messiah. He was promoted to heaven not long after he put his work together, and we can praise the Lord that Andrew left us such an important and valuable work.
Robinson's research begins with the early church fathers and moves through history to the present, quoting what leaders of the church have said about the Jews. His findings show that anti-Semitism was and is not limited to Roman Catholicism, but includes the Eastern Orthodox Church and the leaders of the Protestant Reformation. Augustine, whose influence moved the church from pre-millennialism to amillennialism, derived his theology from his anti-Semitism, which could not permit a future kingdom with Israel's restoration. Therefore, I call replacement theology "theological anti-Semitism."
Robinson, thus, provides an excellent historical background to the second volume of Israel Betrayed, entitled The Rise of Christian Palestinianism. Authored by Paul R. Wilkinson (who served as Andrew's associate at Hazel Grove Full Gospel Church), the book deals with the rise of pro-Palestinianism in modern church history. We learn that Christian Palestinianism is not limited to the liberal wing of the church but extends even to the evangelical side. More and more church leaders have become clearly anti-Semitic while claiming to be "only" anti-Israel. Their anti-Israelism has moved them to support Islam and even hugging Muslim terrorists who are devoted to Israel's destruction. How quickly have such church leaders forgotten the common Islamic program: First, we kill the Saturday people, and then we come for the Sunday people!
The supporters of Christian Palestinianism have imbibed replacement theology, which led to theological anti-Semitism, and now align themselves with Islam in their animosity against the Jews. To understand replacement theology is to understand the rise of Christian Palestinianism—hence, the union of the two volumes of Israel Betrayed.
The book is long but well worth the effort to read. It prepares the believer for the spiritual battle that is fought over Israel and the Jewish people.
Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Th.M, Ph.D.

Israel Betrayed - Volume 2: The rise of Christian Palestinianism
by: Paul R. Wilkinson
Published in two volumes Israel Betrayed is a tour de force in defense of God's eternal promises to the Jewish people. For two millennia, theologians and clergymen alike have claimed that the church has replaced Israel in the purposes of God. In volume 1, Andrew Robinson comprehensively surveyed the history of this theology. In volume 2, Paul Wilkinson charts and examines the rise of pro-Palestinianism in the church, showing how its proponents have internalized replacement theology and aligned themselves with Rome and Islam in their opposition to Israel.
- Hardcover: 528 pages
- 6 x 9
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-77-6
Speaking for the American scene, I have observed the rise in anti-Semitism, sometimes disguised as anti-Zionism; the increase in anti-Semitic websites, which have revived old-world conspiracy theories; the denial of the Holocaust, with some people even finding a way to blame the Jews for the Shoah; and universities all across the United States demonstrating against the State of Israel. There has also been a massive spread of replacement theology (which I call "theological anti-Semitism") in many churches that were once strongly dispensational, and many Bible colleges and seminaries that once were clearly dispensational and pro-Israel have also been infested. For these reasons, I was delighted to read Israel Betrayed and decided that Ariel Ministries should publish this important work.
The first volume written by Andrew D. Robinson deals with the history of replacement theology. For decades, I have strongly felt that the rise of replacement theology—which later led to covenant theology (Calvinistic replacementism) and Lutheranism (Arminian replacementism)—was not derived by an honest exegesis of the biblical text but was built on the foundations of anti-Semitism. I have seen this truth in scattered references but did not have the time to gather all the evidence. I have often encouraged seminary students, who were looking for topics for their dissertations, to pursue it, but none ever did. Pastor Robinson has accomplished this task, and I will be forever grateful for his contribution to the body of the Messiah. He was promoted to heaven not long after he put his work together, and we can praise the Lord that Andrew left us such an important and valuable work.
Robinson's research begins with the early church fathers and moves through history to the present, quoting what leaders of the church have said about the Jews. His findings show that anti-Semitism was and is not limited to Roman Catholicism, but includes the Eastern Orthodox Church and the leaders of the Protestant Reformation. Augustine, whose influence moved the church from pre-millennialism to amillennialism, derived his theology from his anti-Semitism, which could not permit a future kingdom with Israel's restoration. Therefore, I call replacement theology "theological anti-Semitism."
Robinson, thus, provides an excellent historical background to the second volume of Israel Betrayed, entitled The Rise of Christian Palestinianism. Authored by Paul R. Wilkinson (who served as Andrew's associate at Hazel Grove Full Gospel Church), the book deals with the rise of pro-Palestinianism in modern church history. We learn that Christian Palestinianism is not limited to the liberal wing of the church but extends even to the evangelical side. More and more church leaders have become clearly anti-Semitic while claiming to be "only" anti-Israel. Their anti-Israelism has moved them to support Islam and even hugging Muslim terrorists who are devoted to Israel's destruction. How quickly have such church leaders forgotten the common Islamic program: First, we kill the Saturday people, and then we come for the Sunday people!
The supporters of Christian Palestinianism have imbibed replacement theology, which led to theological anti-Semitism, and now align themselves with Islam in their animosity against the Jews. To understand replacement theology is to understand the rise of Christian Palestinianism—hence, the union of the two volumes of Israel Betrayed.
The book is long but well worth the effort to read. It prepares the believer for the spiritual battle that is fought over Israel and the Jewish people.
Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Th.M, Ph.D.

Israel: The Inheritance of God
by: Paul R. Wilkinson
Israel: The Inheritance of God sheds light on the reasons behind God's choice of Israel as His people. When studying these reasons, one has to dig deep into the Scriptures. The picture that emerges is of a God whose connection to Israel is unbroken because of His own nature and character. Since He put His name on Israel and thus made the people His possession, He must fulfill the promises He made to Israel. The focus shifts from Israel to the God of Israel, and the reader cannot help but walk away with a deeper adoration for this God. The book is thorough and scholarly yet also devotional in tone.
- Paperback: 260 pages
- 6 x 9
- ISBN: 978-1-951059-71-2

Messianic Prophecies for Children
by Ruth Wardell and Jackie Hager
Recommended for children between the ages of 10 and 13, this teacher's manual is a study of Old Testament/Tanak prophecies concerning the first coming of Israel's Messiah. It beautifully reveals the redemptive plan of God and shows that the Messiah was promised as early as Genesis and that as time progressed, the revelation of Him did as well. He was to be born in Bethlehem, His mother a virgin. He would be a descendant of King David, thus part of the Tribe of Judah. His origin was "from everlasting." He was to be a "child" given to the nation of Israel, who would someday bear the government of the world upon His shoulders. His reign would never end. In 11 memorable lessons, this unique resource involves a biblical lesson, charts, Bible drills, memorization, suggestions for craft projects, and competition and awards.
- Paperback: 110 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-935-174-12-7
- Shipping Weight: 1.5 lbs

What We Have Seen and Heard
by Christiane Jurik
Moses, David, Isaiah … The Bible is full of people who, after witnessing mighty acts of God, wrote down what they had seen and heard. Their stories are often so personal in nature, so intimate and human, that the reader cannot help but be captivated by them. Likewise, this anthology of testimonies contains very personal accounts, the stories of 23 Jews whose lives have been changed by God: medical doctors and pianists, computer engineers and school teachers alike. Indeed, the faith-journeys of some of these men and women started during a beautiful childhood filled with Jewish customs and traditions, and some at the darkest moment in their lives. Not one testimony is the same as another, but they all call out to you, “Let us reason together so that you might know what is the breadth and length and height and depth of God’s love for you!”
- Paperback, glossy: 162 pages
- Dimensions: 6” x 9”
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-46-2

When Your Face Was Your Destiny: The Fruchtenbaum Family Story as told by Holocaust Survivors
by David S. Turner
To read “When Your Face Was Your Destiny” is to join the harrowing journey of a family through their ordeal as Poland collapses at the start of World War II, and in a sense to experience the Holocaust personally, the way it occurred in Eastern Europe. The account has been woven together deftly by David S. Turner from the testimonies of surviving members of the extended Fruchtenbaum family. The well-honed narrative of this Holocaust story brings the reader into the lives of the Fruchtenbaum family in their hometown of Pultusk, Poland, just before the effects of World War II begin to unload like a run-away freight train. By such an excellent depicting of this close-knit, intelligent, and sensitive family during peacetime, we are quietly drawn into the picture.
Then comes the unimaginable: the brutal invasion of the Nazis as the government of Poland buckles under. Each anecdote of the ever-uncertain flight from danger to safety reveals the tortuous decisions thrust on the Fruchtenbaum family during the crises. Their most disappointing shocks are the continued outpouring of hatred from fellow countrymen as well as from those along their emigration routes, and the extreme difficulty and length of time it takes to get to safety. Ntable exceptions where people helped sacrificially are gratefully remembered. The five main family members telling their stories eventually reach Israel, and others in the family later immigrate to the United States. In the aftermath, they discuss with great pain the decisions they were forced to make, and the resulting losses. Their honest accounts are extremely moving. Appendices provide family photos and documentation. Undoubtedly, this book will help the reader understand the lasting scars that survivors carry, which can endure as spiritual roadblocks.
Author David S. Turner survived “The Blitz” on London as a boy during the 1940s, and his family supported Jewish escapees from Nazi Germany who fled to the United Kingdom. He has lived for the last twelve years in the north of Holland, not far from the former Kamp Westerbork. The care taken to describe the relationships in the family and the dynamics that gave the family strength to endure the unbearable shows that the choice of authorship is worthy. When Your Face Was Your Destiny is one more testimony to the fact that character, ingenuity, and loving relationships make a difference even during the worst of times. David S. Turner has been married to Ina Jumelet for 54 years, and both have Huguenot ancestry. They have three grown children, eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
- Paperback: 320 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-23-3
- Shipping Weight: 1.0 lbs