Messianic Christology (ePub, Japanese)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Japanese translation of “Messianic Christology”
Ha-Mashiach: The Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures (formerly entitled Messianic Christology, now freshly reformatted with an updated introduction) is a study of prophecy concerning the First Coming of the Messiah. Dr. Fruchtenbaum works his way through the Hebrew Scriptures and shows from The Law, The Prophets, and The Writings how the revelation of the Messiah gradually progressed and built-up to reveal a magnificent picture of the Deliverer to come.
When the messianic expectations of Hebrew prophecy are fully understood, it becomes clear who alone can fulfill these requirements.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 257 pages
- Language: Japanese
- Approximate download file size is 2.92MB
- ISBN: 978-4-938646-98-1

Messianic Christology (PDF, Japanese)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Ha-Mashiach: The Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures (formerly entitled Messianic Christology, now freshly reformatted with an updated introduction) is a study of prophecy concerning the First Coming of the Messiah. Dr. Fruchtenbaum works his way through the Hebrew Scriptures and shows from The Law, The Prophets, and The Writings how the revelation of the Messiah gradually progressed and built-up to reveal a magnificent picture of the Deliverer to come.
When the messianic expectations of Hebrew prophecy are fully understood, it becomes clear who alone can fulfill these requirements.
- eBook PDF via download
- 257 pages
- Language: Japanese
- Approximate download file size is 5.38MB
- ISBN: 978-4-938646-98-1

The Remnant of Israel (epub, Japanese)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Japanese translation of "The Remnant of Israel"
Thirty-five years after the publication of Hebrew Christianity: Its Theology, History, and Philosophy, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum has again surveyed the rapidly changing face of the Messianic Jewish Community. The Remnant of Israel: The History, Theology, and Philosophy of the Messianic Jewish Community, is an update on the growing and diversifying community of Jews who have found favor with God by receiving Jesus as Messiah. Written by a Messianic Jew for Jew and Gentile alike, here is an articulate survey of the biblical position of the Messianic Jew in the setting of community. Dr. Fruchtenbaum again assesses how this community is distinctive and how it relates to the Jewish people, the Law of Moses, the local church, the State of Israel, missions, and many other timely topics. The rapid growth of the Messianic Jewish community has provoked interest as well as offense. Here is what is happening in the lives of Messianic Jews and how they and their movement relate their faith to the rest of the world.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 184 pages
- Language: Japanese
- Approximate download file size is 1.69MB
- ISBN: 978-4-93864699-8