An Historical and Geographical Study Guide of Israel: With a Supplement on Jordan (epub)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
This comprehensive reference guide will illuminate your understanding of the Old Testament and the gospels through examining virtually every place in Israel in relation to biblical events and themes and studying Jewish history, especially the history of the State of Israel. A new format makes this study guide an excellent traveling companion on all Israel tours as well as an essential resource for any believer's ongoing study. As an added bonus, we've included information on Jordan. This revised edition includes an update on the current state of Israel (since 2008), vivid new art work including the cover and chapter heading pages, a glossary, subject index and scriptural index.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 329 pages
- Approximate download file size is 1.37MB

Ariel's Harmony of the Gospels: (epub)
Based on "A Harmony of the Gospels" by A. T. Robertson
by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Th.M., Ph.D.
Description: When the theologian and Bible scholar Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum developed his teaching on the life of the Messiah from a Jewish perspective, he used A. T. Roberton's harmony of the Gospels as a basis for his studies. However, he deviated from Robertson's work whenever the scholar chose not to follow Luke's sequential order of Messiah's life and ministry. Furthermore, Dr. Fruchtenbaum chose a thematic, not a geographical, approach to establish a coherent chronology of the events depicted in the four Gospels.
The basic translation used in the American Standard Version of 1901. However, the archaic language has been modernized, and the names of persons and places
were transliterated in accordance with Hebrew pronunciation. The result of these changes to Robertson's harmony have now been compiled by Dr. Fruchtenbaum
and Jan Marek Kopytek in Ariel's Harmony of the Gospels, a work that clearly shows the Jewishness of the Messiah's life, actions, and words.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 338 pages
- Approximate download file size is 2.44 KB

Ariel's Trials and Triumphs - (epub)
The Unparalleled Faith Journey of Ariel Ministries
by L. Jesse Grace
Ariel's Trials and Triumphs may be understood as a sequel to Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum's biography, titled Chosen Fruit. While the latter predominantly depicted the personal life story of Dr. Fruchtenbaum, the purpose of this account is to present the inside story of Ariel Ministries itself. Founded in 1977, the ministry has had to exercise unparalleled faith and rely solely upon God for its support, from its inception. Throughout the years as a Jewish ministry, Ariel has experienced a series of trials and tribulations. By the same token, it has also seen its share of exciting triumphs and wonderful spiritual blessings. From the seed of one man's obedience, God shaped the growth of the ministry into a vast network of both Messianic and Gentile believers, with many international branches. The stories of how some of the branches got started truly reveal the power of God at work. Hence, this account attempts to chronicle the major achievements, progress, and events that took place within Ariel Ministries, bringing to the fore its exceptional faith journey since the beginning and God's enduring faithfulness to His flock.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 382 pages.
- Approximate download file size is 780 KB
- ISBN: 978-1-951059-97-2

A Study of the Angelic Realm: Angelology, Satanology, and Demonology (epub)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Come and See is a multi-volume collection of Messianic Bible studies that covers all topics of systematic theology. Volume 5 of this series deals with angelology. Literally, this term means "the doctrine of angels." Because there are fallen and unfallen angels, the topic is discussed in three parts. The first part covers angelology proper, meaning the doctrine of unfallen angels. The second part deals with Satanology, which is the doctrine of Satan. The third part covers demonology, which is the doctrine of fallen angels.The author's unique focus of looking at all Scripture from a Messianic Jewish perspective adds an intriguing dimension to this field of systematic theology. The questions and study suggestions at the end of the chapters will challenge anyone who desires to dig deeper into the Word of God.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 214 pages
- Approximate download file size is 1.55 MB

Biblical Lovemaking: A Study of The Song of Solomon (epub)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
In this sensitive, literal study of The Song of Solomon, Dr. Fruchtenbaum manages a wonderful, verse-by-verse exposition of the biblical passages without offending or boring his readers. The "Summary" and "Application" sections are extremely insightful. With practical suggestions to make marital relationships more fulfilling, this book is for any man or woman who desires to understand the Scriptures' healthy standards for courtship, marriage and sex.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 70 pages
- Approximate download file size is 598KB

Chosen Fruit - (epub)
The Personal Life Story of Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Founder and President of Ariel Ministries
by L. Jesse Grace
Known for his foremost scholarship and his in-depth knowledge of the biblical history and geography of Israel, Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum has become one of the finest Bible exegetes of our time. The purpose of this biography is to present an intimate portrait of this scholar and teacher. His story will lead you through some of the most dramatic points of world history and take you on a journey around the globe. It is the story of a Jewish man who came to faith in his Jewish Messiah, embarked on a unique journey of servitude to his God, and impacted not only theologians, scholars, and church leaders, but everyday believers alike. Their progress to maturity, as well as the outreach to his Jewish people, is what has kept Dr. Fruchtenbaum going for nearly five decades of ministry—to God’s glory and for the salvation of Israel.
“The teaching ministry of Dr. Fruchtenbaum has impacted me for over 30 years. When I left my training at Dallas Theological Seminary and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in the early 1980s, I was confused as to how to put together the academic and cultural information I had received from these two different perspectives… When I discovered Dr. Fruchtenbaum’s teaching, I found what I needed‚ someone whose academic training was similar to mine, had processed the biblical, Jewish, and Christian data, and had successfully navigated the conflicting theological perspectives within the messianic movement while maintaining a sound biblical Christology, dispensational hermeneutic, and a balanced view of Messianic Judaism and the local church…” — Dr. Randall Price (Distinguished Research Professor and Executive Director of the Center for Judaic Studies at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia)
- eBook for non-Kindle(.epub) via download
- 420 pages
- Approximate download file size is 12.6 MB
- ISBN: 978-1-951059-85-9

Commentary Series: Jeremiah and Lamentations (epub)
by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
In this comprehensive commentary, Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum offers an in-depth study of the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Drawing on his deep knowledge of Hebrew language and culture as well as his faith in Yeshua as the promised Messiah, the author provides a fresh and insightful interpretation of these ancient texts. Wherever appropriate, he has reproduced the viewpoints of the great rabbis of the past.
Through careful analysis of the historical context, literary structure, and theological themes of Jeremiah and Lamentations, this commentary sheds light on God’s plan for Israel. It deals with topics such as the nature of sin and judgment, the promise of redemption and restoration, and the ultimate fulfillment of God’s covenantal promises to Israel.
Whether you are a scholar, a student, a pastor, or a layperson, this commentary will enrich your study of Jeremiah and Lamentations and deepen your appreciation of the Messianic Jewish perspective on the Scriptures.
- 912 pages
- Approximate download file size is 5 MB
- ISBN: 978-1-958552-04-9

Commentary Series: Judges & Ruth (epub)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
In his action-packed, culturally relevant exegesis of the Book of Judges, Dr. Fruchtenbaum opens a portal where formerly unfamiliar names and places come alive with meaning. Armies clash, heroes rise, and human affection for other gods multiplies with soul-numbing impact. We see in his exegesis of the Book of Ruth a contrasting, in-depth picture of life among the true believers living in Bethlehem during this ancient time.
These two history books are set in the time when Israel was in the Land but not yet a unified nation. Although God continues to hear the cry of the children of Israel each time they fall away and face turmoil, they fall ever further into spiritual blindness because of their disobedience. Eventually, even the spiritual leaders become immune to their own glaring indifference to God's Word. In all, God sent twelve Judges to save the children of Israel. Seven of these Judges are treated in detail as Israel goes through each cycle of apostasy, oppression, repentance, and salvation by a Judge.
The Book of Ruth, an appendix to the Book of Judges, presents enormously touching portraits of Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz. They are pictured as part of the faithful community of Messianic Jewish believers of their own time, worthy ancestors of King David and the promised King Messiah yet to be revealed.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 380 pages
- Approximate download file size is 1.2MB

Commentary Series: The Book of Acts (epub)
by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
The book of Acts is an exciting and valuable biographical account of the first followers of Yeshua the Jewish Messiah and the first thirty years of the history of the church, the body of the Messiah. It records the enormous success of the apostles who, in the power of their God, started spreading the good news of the Jewish Messiah first throughout the Jewish world and later throughout the non-Jewish world. Opening with the resurrected Yeshua training His disciples, the book naturally follows the description of the life of the Messiah in the Gospels, and especially in the Gospel of Luke. The first fifteen chapters and chapter 21 of Acts are particularly relevant to the Scriptures' Jewish frame of reference in general and the Messianic Jewish community in particular.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 574 pages
- Approximate download file size is 7.01 MB

Commentary Series: The Book of Daniel (epub)
by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
The book of Daniel, though one of the most intriguing prophetic texts in the Hebrew Scriptures, presents a comprehensive and chronological prophetic picture of the broad sweep of history. In this detailed exposition, Dr. Fruchtenbaum offers a fresh and coherent understanding of the prophecies in the book of Daniel. He examines the historical and cultural context of the book, its literary structure, and its theological themes. He explains how these prophecies relate to the history of Israel, especially in the context of the times of the Gentiles. He addresses alleged historical inaccuracies, considers the rabbinic interpretation as well as apocryphal additions, and offers a unique and convincing interpretation of Daniel’s seventy sevens. Numerous charts, tables, and maps give additional clarity to the text.
Whether you are a student of the Scriptures, a pastor, or a layperson seeking to deepen your understanding of biblical prophecy, this commentary will provide a clear and coherent exposition of the book of Daniel from a Messianic Jewish perspective, illuminating the prophetic message of this important book and its relevance for the history of this world.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 630 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-958552-05-6
- Approximate download file size is 5.3 MB

Commentary Series: The Book of Ezekiel - Vol. 1 (epub)
by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
The book of Ezekiel stands as one of the most enigmatic and captivating texts of the Hebrew Bible, filled with vivid visions of whirling wheels, dry bones, and divine judgment. Yet, for many readers, these complex images present a barrier to understanding, leaving them overwhelmed and disconnected from the book’s profound spiritual and literary depth.
In this comprehensive verse-by-verse commentary, Messianic Jewish Bible scholar Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum expertly guides readers through the first thirty-two chapters of Ezekiel, demystifying its rich content with scholarly insight. Drawing from both Jewish rabbinic sources and Christian academic works, Dr. Fruchtenbaum offers a balanced, in-depth perspective that sheds light on Ezekiel’s prophetic messages.
Whether exploring the prophecies foreseeing the destruction of the First Temple or those regarding Israel’s future restoration, this commentary provides clarity and understanding for anyone willing to delve into this often-overlooked book.
- 673 pages
- Approximate download file size is 4 MB
- ISBN: 978-1-958552-14-8

Commentary Series: The Book of Genesis
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
In structure, the Book of Genesis is a series of eleven family histories, or toldots, compiled and edited by Moses. Throughout the vivid detail provided in Genesis, Dr. Fruchtenbaum's exegesis allows God's Word to make its own case for a literal interpretation of the Bible. Dr. Fruchtenbaum's grammatical, historical-geographical approach to Scriptures from a Jewish perspective provides the reader an exciting new way to grasp and unlock the richness of this book of the beginnings of all nations, and in particular, the beginning of the nation of Israel.
For instance, Dr. Fruchtenbaum brings to life the many genealogies in Genesis as they relate to God's promises of a Messiah. Genesis makes clear the Messiah would one day come out of Israel to redeem the nation of Israel and to bless all the families of the earth.
Important to understanding one's relationship to God, Genesis presents four of God's eight covenants. Three are covenants God made with humanity in general, and these are associated with the familiar stories of Creation, the Fall, and the Flood. The fourth one, an unconditional covenant with Abraham, is the beginning of the story of the nation of Israel, based on God's promises of descendants and Land to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The account of the nation of Israel that Moses begins in Genesis, he then continues in the four books of the Bible that follow.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 752 pages
- Approximate download file size is 2.06 MB