The Sequence of Pretribulational Events - PDF: Explore the nine specific events leading up to the Tribulation period in this detailed study of pretribulational prophecy.
The Sermon on the Mount - PDF: This detailed PDF exposition of Matthew 5-7 explores the teachings of Jesus and their relevance for contemporary believers.
The Servant of Jehovah - PDF: Explore Isaiah's prophecies regarding the Messiah, focusing on his identity as "The Servant of Jehovah" and its profound implications.
The Seventy Sevens of Daniel - PDF: In-depth study on Daniel's seventy sevens, analyzing parts fulfilled by the First Coming and those awaiting future fulfillment.
The Shechinah Glory in History and Prophecy - PDF: A survey of God's Shechinah Glory, His visible presence in history and prophecy, as seen in light, fire, cloud, and as Messiah.
The Sins Against the Holy Spirit - PDF: This study examines the two sins against the Holy Spirit committed by unbelievers and two by believers, discussing their implications.
he Six Abodes of Satan - PDF: This study explores the biography and career of Satan, focusing on the six dwelling places he has inhabited or will inhabit.
The Spiritual Life and Discipleship - PDF: Explores how a believer's dedication shapes discipleship, fostering spiritual growth and a closer relationship with God.