The Seventy Sevens of Daniel: A detailed study of Daniel's seventy sevens, analyzing what was fulfilled in the First Coming and what awaits future fulfillment.
The Seventy Sevens of Daniel - PDF: In-depth study on Daniel's seventy sevens, analyzing parts fulfilled by the First Coming and those awaiting future fulfillment.
The Shechinah Glory in History and Prophecy: A study of the Shechinah Glory's visible presence of God through history, in prophecy, and its appearances in both Testaments.
The Shechinah Glory is the visible manifestation of the presence of God that has appeared merely as light, fire, or a cloud in the Old Testament, as the Messiah in the New Testament. This is a survey study of its historical appearances and its prophetic appearances.
The Shechinah Glory in History and Prophecy - PDF: A survey of God's Shechinah Glory, His visible presence in history and prophecy, as seen in light, fire, cloud, and as Messiah.