- If Enoch and Elijah were before Christ in having glorified bodies, how can Colossians 1:18 then say Christ has “first place in everything”?
- Why was there no blood sacrifice when God made the covenant with David?
- In the Tribulation, will new Gentile believers become Jewish converts?
- Does God currently speak to us through dreams?
- Why didn’t God send Yeshua to redeem humanity right after Adam sinned instead of giving the Law?
- Will Tribulation believers have the Holy Spirit, since the church is defined as those who are indwelled by the Holy Spirit?
- Did the Catholic Church produce the canon of the New Testament?
- Does God have two brides in Scripture?
- How can Yeshua be the Firstfuits of the resurrection since others were raised before him?
- What was the “baptism of repentance” John proclaimed to the Jews repenting of?