Meaning of Bible Passages
- Could the “mansions” in John 14:2 refer to other religions?
- Is there a difference between Day of Christ and Day of the Lord?
- What are the “seven spirits” of Revelation?
- If Enoch and Elijah were before Christ in having glorified bodies, how can Colossians 1:18 then say Christ has “first place in everything”?
- Why did God almost kill Moses when he was on the way back to Egypt to deliver the Israelites (Exodus 4:24-26)?
- Are we “little gods” because we are the children of God?
- Did Joseph sin in the way he treated his brothers in Genesis 37-50?
- Who are the "restrainer" and the "lawless one" in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8? I have heard that the restrainer could be the Holy Spirit or the church, but I read in one of your books that it is human government.
- Is Matthew right or Luke right in the order of Yeshua’s teaching on the unpardonable sin and parables of the kingdom?
- Is Psalm 126:2-3 actually speaking of Israel’s final restoration rather than return from the Captivity?
- Can you tell me the location of the land called “Eden” in Gen. 2:8?
- What was the “baptism of repentance” John proclaimed to the Jews repenting of?